Wednesday 27 March 2013

Cave Cove- finished painting

I could have put the word "finished" in inverted commas, but I've reached the stage where I don't want to do any more. I've hopefully suggested the tussock grass without getting too involved in detail. In the end, I feel I've learnt quite a bit in tackling this subject, and feel a bit more confident in trying to paint more scenes with tussock grass in them. Useful, given that tussock grass is everywhere at low level on South Georgia.


  1. The tussock grass looks good. I'm not sure how I would have done it, but I think I might just have used a dry brush to suggest texture. In which case I certainly wouldn't have got the feeling of cushions of grass.

    We have a very similar coastline here. This kind of feature is called a "Geo", where the roof of a sea cave has collapsed to leave a deep, steep-sided inlet.

  2. Thanks Keith. Ive done a bit of kayaking in that part of the world, and as you say there are plenty of very impressive geos. i'm not sure whether this is one, though; the back of the cove (viewpoint for painting) is actually a narrow saddle with a similar bay on the other side. You could well be right however.
